FILM INFO: Lifelong friends on the cusp of adulthood look to bust out of small town Texas, but their defiant behavior leads them to lifelong consequences.
WRITTEN BY: Stephen Floyd, Anthony Pedone DIRECTED BY: Anthony Pedone GENRE: Crime, Drama TIME: 97 minutes.
Rebellion, triumph and sadness. Those three words essentially sum up "An American In Texas" quite nicely on the surface. The truth is, although they do sum up the general concepts, they also don't do this film justice. It's safe to say that this film, for me, was one of the better movies I've seen in the last little while. Notice I didn't use the words "indie flick" in that last sentence? That's because there really was no distinction. "An American In Texas" is simply a good film. Not, a good indie film. Not a good low budget film, in movie money terms, just simply... a good film. I can think of no better compliment for a production team, and a crew of actors, to be given. This was a damn good movie. "An American In Texas" revolves around a group of friends, band mates, living their lives in the year 1990. You got it ladies and gents, this is a period piece. I won't write much on the "period" subject because as impressive as this is for a period film, considering it didn't have a hundred zillion dollars backing it, the nostalgic value of the movie is not where it shines. The "shine" I'm referring to comes from simply being an entertaining production. Back to the plot. This rag-tag group of friends who come from all walks of life, individually, just kind of melt into the hum-drum existence of their community. Crappy jobs, iffy futures, bad family lives and undecided educational choices. Together however, they become more than what they are. Family. Family with dreams of leaving their shitty little town. Dreams of a better life and of course... success. I wish I could go into details without spoiling the film, but that's not the way we do things around here. Needless to say, this band of merry men - and woman - know how to relieve stress. As youngsters of the era often did, and still do for that matter, these kids... and young adult, like to get high. It's within this drug induced state they also loved to cause some serious damage. These incidents added some action and drama to the film, but don't think for one second they are the main plot. These action scenes are simply used as a plot device to move the narrative forward, or bond the characters together. The plot, so to speak, is simply about growing up, facing adulthood and real responsibility... and of course... loss. That "loss" element is a recurring theme in this film. Both in terms of the literal loss, and the figurative. "An American In Texas" is also about moving forward - and consequences. All wrapped up in one ninety minute package. Waiting for some fresh eyes to take it in. Technically, this is a rare indie film that leaves me absolutely nothing to bitch about. As I've hinted at above, or came right out and wrote, this is a stellar film - production wise. If you're looking for a "staple" of independent or lower budget film to be seen or heard... you won't find one. Anthony Pedone directs an awesome "playing" film. In the version I've seen, I also have to give some written love towards the sound track. A perfect mix of music and feeling. My ears were smiling. Regarding the cast themselves, no one person really stands above another in my books. Each actor portrayed their respective parts so well... you may forget you're watching a bunch of actors. This film features a really large cast and extended cast. Mentioning each one would double the size of this review. Let me just say that this is a movie where everything seemed to fall into place... including the marvelous cast. Impressed is probably too small a word for my feelings here. By no means am I saying this is the best film I've ever seen. Far from it. However, how many of us have multiple favorite movies? "An American In Texas" is both entertaining to watch, and memorable "after" the show. How many films from large studios can boast that? Some yes. Many? No. The simple fact that this film "can" be compared to a large studio venture, is something really rare. Stephen Floyd and Anthony Pedone have penned a great screenplay. This group of papers was then turned into an excellent film. All aspects. Lately I've watched some really good indie productions. Productions I would gladly buy myself a copy of. This ranks in that list. Close to the very top. A job well done and a production that easily "earned" every single star I've given it. A great film. Period.