Short Film ReviewFilm Info:
A crime drama inspired by the story of Salome and John the baptist. Taking place in a 1960s nightclub in London. Written By: Alex Marx Directed By: Alex Marx Genre: Drama 15 Minutes |
"Fingers" is even more proof that an interesting concept can take many forms, go through numerous transformations, yet still remain a good story if the idea is left intact. Until modern times this was how stories were told, familiar tales told in new ways when a printed copy wasn't available, giving rise to countless sub-stories all deriving from a single source. Again, only if done well though. Alex Marx, who penned and directed this short film, has put together a splendid indie flick that is fresh and new yet still has that Déjà vu quality that unless you know, will keep you asking if you've seen this before. When it's all over, and the credits roll you're left satisfied and strangely, slightly creeped out. That about sums "Fingers" up as a short film and there is nothing wrong with that. At all.
The technicalities of this film are rather easy to write about because it's been put together so well. Taking place in one location helped a lot I'm sure, but that doesn't bring down the overall quality in any way. Excellent backgrounds, perfect costuming and an eye for light made the cinematography shine. Even with all these qualities in place, the shot compositions were damn near perfect; giving "Fingers" a slick big budget look that was very easy on the eyes. The audio presented in the film was no slouch either. One of the staples on an indie film is bad audio. It's almost expected. Not here. A nice clear recording and mix made the dialog easy to follow which is good, considering how well the cast performed their respective roles. Another thing to note about this short is how believable the characters come across. It seems everyone pulled their weight and made "Fingers" a serious project and award winner I would bet. Nowhere to be seen are the cheesy and hollow line deliveries I've come to expect from indie productions. Excellent job all around and a virtual handshake to the person(s) who cast this film. My time with "Fingers" was well spent, and so will yours. Even if you've never heard of the source material, you'll be drawn into this little club watching the party from a stool in the back. I should also note that even without an interesting story, enough spit and polish is crammed into this little feature to keep you interested. The fact that it does have a good story is just the bonus. "Fingers" is 15 minutes you'll forget what year it is and simply watch. That's entertainment and this one is free. Links on the right. -JT Other Reviews That May Interest You