Reviewing a show/series can be tough at the best of times. Yet even then, you still have character development and a plot or concept - that is generally ongoing. But what about a sketch series? Different characters and different stories for the most part, make up each episode. That very concept makes things tough to write about, aside from either saying you liked it or you didn't. The short and sweet of this write up? I got some laughs, I got some giggles, and generally had a great time. Douglas Olsson is a natural comedian with some excellent timing. Yet I've also got the feeling it's much simpler than that - and by writing that he's simply an excellent actor, would be the way to go on hundred percent.
So what is "The Most Interesting Man In Studio City" and what's the concept? Sketch comedy of course! For the most part, a different character and different narrative every episode. Exceptions exist. Mr Olsson does return to certain characters - and even broadens his creative world, with an arresting episode that showcases himself getting hauled in by the FBI... for impersonations a-la other episodes. But really? The heart of this series is all about having a good time - and I suspect a little, to showcase his particular talents to any interested parties. A dual purpose series. Truthfully? Not a thing wrong with that - so long as it keeps us regular viewers laughing along the way. For the most part? It does. Minus the tried and true format of including celebrity guest appearances, "The Most Interesting Man In Studio City" plays off pretty much like any other sketch show you're likely to watch. With the entire series clocking in at just under an hour, there's plenty to see. Most viewers will probably watch it in segments - the way it was originally meant to be seen. For those who actually do watch the entire run in one sitting - the opening credit sequence not only adds a lot of time... but becomes irritating. Currently there is no full length version, but putting one together - minus the opening credits every break would be great. A season one viewing experience only showcasing the sketches themselves. Maybe even trimming down the end segment that's featured in a lot of the episodes. I personally would have loved the option to simply sit back and enjoy. As I wrote above however, for the majority that like to watch an episode here and there, none of that is a problem.
So was it all funny? A whirlwind of shits and giggles? Yes and no - making my personal rating really hard to come up with. Probably half of the entire series was really funny. Funny enough to make me literally laugh out loud. Being brutally honest, I found most of my favorites were at the top of the list. Save that very first episode, "If Cars Were Like Computers" that I only found mildly entertaining. Another thirty five percent (or so) of the episodes I found decent enough to warrant a chuckle, leaving the rest... well... not all that funny. I realize that everyone has a different take when it comes to comedy - so please remember one size doesn't fit all. My least favorite episode? The celebrity impression sketch. It was worth watching, just to hear how good Olsson's impersonations are... but not all that funny in the traditional sense. And that's the thing. Had I rated this show using only my favorite episodes, I would have given a four and a half star review. Maybe higher. Yet I also had to consider the episodes that were not my favorite - even the ones I didn't really like. Thankfully, the good far outweigh the hum-drum, and within those good episodes are some really great ones. At the end of the day, it's been a delight to learn about - and watch this series. No show, studio or indie, is blessed by having a perfect episode every time. Well, pretty much no shows. When writing about a series you have to factor in the good and bad. It just so happens "The Most Interesting Man In Studio City" has a lot going for it. When it's funny it's really funny - and for the most part, you'll be laughing right along. Devilishly above average in near every way, this is one to check out when you get the chance. Why not start today? The links are posted. |