OVERCAST Trailer (2020) from Anthony Kalmeta on Vimeo. directed by:
Anthony Kalmeta written by: Anthony Kalmeta genre: Thriller |
It's no secret that when families separate, the kids not only get hurt the most but also are faced with an impossible decision. Who to go with. Yet there are those times when one parent simply decides to vanish and start over. New life, new family. Although no longer faced with that dreaded decision, these children are often left scarred for life. Much more than a simple breakup with a major decision looming overhead. These children are left feeling unwanted and in these cases... to be blunt, the vanishing parent is generally not worth the effort of caring. However, most young children simply don't understand that.
But what happens if a parent leaves the family under strange circumstances? If say... the mother has promised to take her child with her, and then simply ups and leaves? That's the situation Eric faces when his mom simply never comes back to get him. To make matters worse? His father is acting very strange and very stressed. More than what one would consider normal. Eric's mother was always so kind, always there for him. Something just doesn't feel right although according to his father, she just up and left both of them. Where does the truth lie? Did Eric's mother abandon him? Or is there something more sinister going on. In a nutshell, "Overcast" is a great film. Well written, well acted and well shot - the entire package. There's a mood that director Anthony Kalmeta creates right from the beginning that keeps the viewer on edge. More to the point is that the on edge feeling not only doesn't let up, it intensifies. There's not a lot of violence in this short film, but the implied violence that occurred mixed with the increasing tension, mixed with the great finale makes sure the audience never notices. Did he, did she? It's the question that is always front and center as the atmosphere never relents.
As you may expect, the pacing feels just right as do the colors and performances. I won't go into details because this is spoiler-free, but character development is a dizzying roller coaster - in the best possible way. I also should mention the background scoring, which was crafted excellently. All in all, this was a great short film, what else is there to write? "Overcast" in my opinion has transcended that huge gap between a four and four and a half star review. Well done, period. |