Feature Film ReviewFilm Info:
There is far too much ignorance about the female orgasm and far too many people suffering because of it. Science, Sex and the Ladies is an engaging, irreverent, and heavily researched documentary that shows it doesn't have to be that way. Written By: Barnaby Aaron, Charles Borowicz, Trish Borowicz Directed By: Barnaby Aaron, Charles Borowicz, Trish Borowicz Genre: Doc / Comedy 98 Minutes ON FACEBOOK
Let me start by writing that Science Sex and the Ladies is rather graphic and not for everyone. If you can get past that however, you're in for a real treat! Let me also add that anyone not interested because of the graphic nature, should still have a look at this film! It actually tones itself down considerably as the movie progresses. Tackling the science and myths of a topic that in itself can be embarrassing, Science Sex and the Ladies is full of relevant information presented in a very well done and at times, hilarious way. Think back to those old Sex Ed videos most of us watched in School. Now multiply that by 100 on the explicit / graphic scale and you'll have an idea of what Science Sex and the Ladies presents.
Let me now touch on the technical aspects of the film. Put bluntly? Perfect. The expert way Science Sex and the Ladies is written, paced and put together just oozes experience. I knew it would be technically superior as soon as I hit play and watched the opening DVD intro. This group has been making movies for over 15 years! It shows. If not for the graphic nature of the film, Science Sex and the Ladies could be shown on Network TV as a feature, or even broken up into segments as a short season. It would be right at home! Hell, it's probably put together better than a lot of what's rotating through network TV right now! However, I do have a feeling that without the graphic nature present this film wouldn't be as humorous. One of the cool aspects of being Indie is the ability to show it how you want to! My point is that if I were to rate this film on the technical aspect alone it would score a perfect five! The funny way this production was put together, mixed with the experience of the producers really make Science Sex and the Ladies a really great film to watch. At times I found myself chuckling at what was presented and actually forgot I was watching a Documentary. The simple fact is this is a well executed piece of entertainment art, that just happens to be educational! I also have to hand it to the cast who performed in this production. Numerous times I found myself wondering how many takes a scene was shot in, simply because I couldn't imagine doing what the cast did without laughing! You'll probably wonder the same and smile as you do. The only real complaint I have are the overly graphic areas of this film. What's funny is that the graphic parts also help make the film what it is! I also know that my feelings regarding these sections were more out of personal embarrassment... than anything really shown on screen. I am, after all an adult. Could it be that my personal feelings regarding the subject matter were half of what this movie was about? Maybe. Overall this is a really fun and entertaining film. As I wrote above, from a technical view this should score a five! However, I don't feel right about scoring Science Sex and the Ladies a perfect score when I know in my heart that a large number of viewers wouldn't make it through the first 15 minutes. But let me add that for any unsure people who may want to watch... do yourself a favor and push through the uncomfortable parts. A real Gem awaits if you do. MC Other Reviews That May Interest You