Feature Film ReviewFilm Info:
A war between milkmen and postmen plays out in a decaying world. Jimmy wants out, but realizes his fate after betting his milk float in a game of poker. Written By: Elliott Gonzo Directed By: Elliott Gonzo Genre: Comedy 11 Minutes |
I really loved this short film. From strangely creepy to downright gross yet funny, this odd piece of indie filmmaking hit all the right nerves at just the right time. It is true that I'm a stickler for unusual and unique concepts, but in my eyes, this short delivers on nearly every level. If you're looking for something that entertains in a different kind of way you're in the right place. Best of all? This ones free to watch!
A different concept can sometimes go sour... fast. What a would-be writer/director has in their head can be a long way from what makes it to screen. Now I don't know what Elliott Gonzo had visualized during pre-production, but the end result was one that I, as a viewer, was really happy with. The lensing of "Sour Milk" comes off as top-notch with no notable traces of indie at all. Now mix in a slick edit and a nice job in post production, and you're left with a sharp looking short film. All the pieces seem to fit and the look of the film seems just right. The lead cast perform their duties nicely... for lack of a better word, and the characters manage to slip through the hum-drum of the indie acting norm. My only peeve visually was probably the result of a money situation; more to the point... not enough. Mainly, I would have loved to see the world Elliott Gonzo created actually look the part. The decay that is presented costume-wise, and on set during the first bit of the film are non-existent during the exterior shots. Again, I imagine this would have simply cost much more than the production had to play with. Still would have been nice to see some attempt made to dirty up the area, some how. My other small gripe was the way "Sour Milk" ended. A cliff hanger of sorts can be a good thing, but some kind of wrap-up, any kind at all would have been nice in this situation. I'm pretty sure more is in store for this world, but as I said... something, anything at all would have been better than nothing. This almost felt like a teaser, a quick glimpse of what's coming... maybe it is. "Sour Milk" is like an old Garbage Pail Kid trading card set gone bad. Silly, demented and gross. Thing is though, you'll watch through to the end because it is damn entertaining. We have the perfect example of what can be done with very little cash and an imagination. Maybe I'm a little twisted for liking this one so much, but in the end... why not? When it's all said and done I was a spectator in this little world created for me, and spectate I did. What a great way to loose ten minutes of your day. You should take a look for yourself and if you like what you see... maybe check out this link while you're in the mood: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elliottgonzo/yeast-short-film -JT Other Reviews That May Interest You