directed by:
Wesley Wittkamper written by: Wesley Wittkamper genre: Comedy |
It's always cool to receive low-budget indie flicks from the 1990s for review. It reminds me that do-it-yourself filmmaking has been around a long time, and is not a direct result of the ever-decreasing cost of gear and the internet. Wesley Wittkamper's superhero throwback is the very definition of indie from back in the day. It's a campy, cornball comedy at the highest of B levels. Truthfully, I didn't think I would enjoy this movie because I've never been a hard-core fan of campy humor, but I caught myself chuckling more than a few times during "Super Heroes the Movie," and that, indeed says something - something good. If this old flick can hold my interest, it can surely hold yours.
The premise is as simple as you might expect. Everyone's favorite movie voice guy from the 90s helps narrate a story that is just as much about relationships as it is the evil baddie Bob. That's right, reader, Bob. The "main" heroes in this tale are Wonderful Woman and Superbman, and we're quickly brought up to speed on their relationship status. Or lack of it. The two were once a couple until Superbman was caught cheating. Need I say more? After being introduced to Bob, I was brought into the International House of Justice just in time to see it being shut down. Government cutbacks - the world doesn't need superheroes anymore, and the super crew is unnecessary spending. I'm sure you can all see where this is going - a new evil villain ready to pounce, and no more super crew. It may not be the most unique setup on the planet, but it works well for this film. I mean... you weren't expecting "Driving Miss Daisy," were you? The story in this film is a way to have some fun making a movie, and hopefully, get its audience to laugh along - it's not meant to be an Oscar contender. Usually, I would go into a technical analysis right about now, but I'm mostly going to forego it this time. "Super Heroes the Movie" was never meant to look fantastic, but the one thing I am thankful for? Good audio. No matter the style or genre, audio is important, and as I watched this flick, I was grateful I could understand the dialog. But what did I really love, other than the obvious suspects? I loved the fact this film didn't go out of its way to remain politically correct at all times. I understand that Wittkamper's film was created in a different, less volatile era - but that doesn't make it any less refreshing. It was great to watch a movie that didn't worry about who it may offend and just went at it.
I also enjoyed the style of comedy - the poking fun at superheroes in general. The crazy funny images of Wonderful Woman zipping through the air and Superbman being held at bay with a Frisby immediately come to mind - but there's a whole load of small, recurring jokes throughout. Honestly? Horseman? I would have loved to see him! At the end of the day, I made my general thoughts on this film genre clear at the start, and the fact that I still gave "Super Heroes the Movie" a pretty decent rating will tell you something. If you enjoy the genre, you'll probably rate this film a little higher. Wesley Wittkamper and his troupe set out to create an entertaining comedy - and succeeded. What more can I say? Three and a half stars. |
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