Short Film ReviewFilm Info:
THE BEAST is a short horror film about the internal struggle that a father faces when his young boy is afflicted with the curse of the werewolf. Written By: Peter Dukes Directed By: Peter Dukes Genre: Horror 12 Minutes |
Werewolf. We all pretty much know what it is and what it does. It eats you. If you happen to run into one you may want to refrain from trying to get a picture. Getting yourself on one of those Reality shows searching for answers isn't worth your innards. Or maybe it is? With that said I present my take on Peter Dukes short film The Beast. What's it about? You guessed it! A Werewolf.... that happens to be the son of the lead character. The full moon is coming and something must be done to protect everyone from this menace. But how long can this be done? And what happens when the Wolf get's loose? What's a Father to do. Well reader, I'll tell you what to do. Watch The Beast and find out. It's available for viewing now.
The Beast is nothing we haven't seen before or will again. It's your run of the mill Werewolf plot with a unique (Sort of unique) spin. What would you do if it was your child? With that said, let's just jump into the quality of the short itself. How is it? For an independent film (Which is why I'm reviewing it) it's damn good. Hell, in all honesty it's damn good anyway. This is one of those indie productions that would fit in well with a lot of budget heavy films. Another title that blurs the lines between indie and Hollywood productions. It's been asked what we (At IndyRed) consider indie? Well. For us, our idea of an indie production is anything not Hollywood. So I get to see first time, zero dollar productions... and a few high end $250.000 dollar productions. All this is in the indie ballpark for us. Anyhow, my point? In terms of visual style, this short stands up high with the big boys of the indie scene. And even overtakes a lot of them. A L O T of them. As I've written, the visuals are really great. The same can be said for the sound. The audio and scoring was mixed just right, and the vocals come through crystal clear. Just like almost any Hollywood movie, the sound was great! Excellent job and a big handshake to all the audio crew involved. To me audio is just as important as video. And you guys didn't falter in the slightest. The editing fit the film perfectly in my eyes as well. When I forget that I'm watching a sequence of cut up footage, and simply enjoy the film you've done your job perfectly. Yes ladies and gents. It's true. Editors are the most under rated crew members in the business. Why? Simple. If you can't see what they've done then they've done their job. In this case, I didn't see anything if you get my drift. And now let's touch up on the acting itself. To be honest? It's No real shock to say it was great. The Beast has some really good people involved, putting the 'Acting stuffs' in the bag. Two thumbs up guys! I also want to point out that the expressions on the faces of said actors really beefs up the movie. It takes a real pro to convey an emotion with expressions alone. You guys (Bill Oberst Jr, Peter Le Bas, Alexander Le Bas) did some great work here. From me to you, thank you for the entertainment. So. Overall how was The Beast? As a fan of this genre I really enjoyed it. My only complaint was the wolf costume. It seemed a little..... classic shall we say. And I'm not totally sure but I think I can see the edges of the mask on the tight shots. This is really a minor gripe since the wolf is almost secondary, but..... A kick ass makeup job for those final scenes would have been amazing to watch! So, Wolf costume aside, everything else was just right in my humble opinion. This would be considered one of the films I'd love to have gotten a hard copy of.... signed for my collection. That aside, The Beast scores a solid 4.5 out of 5.0. An autograph may have pushed it to a five! (Joke) Great work guys. Thanks for entertaining me! Other Reviews That May Interest You