"The Deja Vuers," directed by Chris Esper and penned by Jason Allen, is by any account an unusual short film. Not by way of presentation or visual effects, and not unusual with the way it's put together and acted by the cast. It's unusual simply because it's an odd story, that really only exists to tell an odd story. We've got Deja Vu, as the title suggests, we've also got prophecy (kind of) and topping it all off we have time travel. This is all jammed into a short film under ten minutes and to be honest... we don't get a lot of explanations. No descriptions or even a passing attempt to let the viewer know how such things are possible. We do get a kind of weird paradox thing-y happening by the end of the film, but even that is not blatant and requires some "what-if" thinking. Hell, said paradox doesn't even really relate to what's happening in the film. The Deja Vu? Don't even get me started on attempting to explain it other than write that it's the springboard for the film. Here's the thing. None of the above mentioned stuff matters at all. Although the title suggests it, "The Deja Vuers," in my eyes doesn't really have anything to do with Deja Vu. Or time travel, prophecy or the price of tea. These are all elements that coexist simply to tell an interesting story that could more accurately be explained as simple destiny. Things that alone mean nothing, but start the cosmic wheels turning. We don't need to know the why or how. This is a short film we simply have to watch and enjoy. I personally think the oulandish concepts are even played upon within the writing itself. The casual way time travel is talked about by the characters is more playful than technical. This can also be said about the other supernatural elements. You simply accept it without reason and move onto enjoying the film. Speaking of enjoyment, yes, this is an enjoyable short. It's funny but not in a "Haha" way, more like a sarcastic drone that continues through-out the movie. As the end approaches you may not feel any smarter for watching, but maybe a little guilty for enjoying. Technically we have an indie short film. The production values don't scream blockbuster, yet everything is good enough to simply be... good enough. Using the term "independent" now days is not like it was a few years ago. I used to say things like: For an indie film, this is great! Now, being presentable is expected from any indie film, and only when something is really bad is it worth mentioning. Post production here was handled nicely. We're treated to a good edit framing the story, and some excellent shot choices to tell it. Mostly good audio and a cohesive coloring. All in all, nice job. The cast also perform rather well, elevating the production (of course) and giving it a more comedic feel. Yes, I wrote comedic. It all comes down to, yet again, the casual way the Sci-Fi elements are handled. The cast does a great job with their "matter of fact" and "hum-drum" approach to the supernatural and science fiction. We never get a "HOLY CRAP YOU TRAVELLED THROUGH TIME," rather the more mundane - "Doesn't everyone do it?" sentiment. This attitude from the cast is simply awesome, making sure you enjoy without overthinking. In regards to the cast overall, excellent job. "The Deja Vuers" is a great little piece perfectly suited to kill a few minutes of your time. The cutesy approach and weird concepts are just perfect for entertaining. In fact, the entire short film seems designed to simply be enjoyed. No big story commitment, no real thinking required. However, for those that do decide to think about it a little, there is some brain-hurt that can be had via some paradoxical possibilities. I decided not to think about them, as they really do seem to be a distant afterthought. In the end, I simply enjoyed this short film for what it was. Fun. You will as well. -JT