Short Film ReviewFilm Info:
A disgruntled taxi driver refuses to give up his chosen career, even when most of the inhabitants left are zombies. Written By: Debra Markowitz Directed By: Debra Markowitz Genre: Comedy 14 Minutes |
Am I being a little generous with this review? Maybe. Maybe not. The simple fact is that any film, short or feature, capable of making me laugh on numerous occasions must have done something right. Writer / director Debra Markowitz has chopped through the hum-drum of the "Zombie" genre and given the undead back their comedic teeth. In under 15 minutes I giggled like a little kid, numerous times. When it finally happens, when Zom-Zom's roam the earth and the human race slowly becomes extinct; I can't wait to pick up my aging cell phone and call... A Cab!
A few times over the years we've seen comedic takes on the genre. The ever-lasting "Shaun Of the Dead" is generally the first to come to mind, but there have been a few other, less notable titles. The problem is that's it's hard to mix zombie horror with jokes... and get it right. That's where The Last Taxi Driver shines in that this film pulls it off in a fantastic way. I'm pretty sure the reason is because it doesn't try and be a scary film at all. Writer Debra Markowitz sticks to the jokes and let's the rest sort itself out. Most of the gags are visual or revolve around Robert Clohessy's awesome portrayal of the last cabbie on the planet. Some really fine (and funny) character work is presented, elevating this short film well past the mediocre mark. I'm also happy to write that the lensing and audio were done really well, giving The Last Taxi Driver a slick viewing experience that's sure to please. The overall editing kept the narrative moving forward, even managing to keep things interesting during the slower sequences. Some time was put into this project and it shows. It shows well. At the end of the day The Last Taxi Driver is still just another zombie flick. What separates it from the pack is the unique humor and quality of the production. No details were overlooked. The acting, even from the supporting cast was great! The writing was sharp, funny and The Last Taxi Driver generally presents a great idea! When you're looking for a laugh but don't have a lot of time to spare, look this title up and do yourself a favor. The Last Taxi Driver is a great flip of the genre and one you don't want to miss. -JT Other Reviews That May Interest You