directed by:
Poitr Szkopiak written by: Tommaso Genovesi, Adrian Darko, Reece J Morant genre: Drama |
Why does God seem to no longer be everywhere and instead nowhere for the faithful? Why all the pain and suffering on Earth, and why, oh why, does it seem to be getting worse? After thousands of years, why have things not gotten better? Have we all been abandoned? Even after being given the greatest gift of all, free will, why has his divine guidance seem to have diminished instead of increasing? Especially with the gift of free will, you would figure he would offer up a more straightforward path, right?
These are the outlines of this short film "Two Knights," which sees Michael, yes, reader, the angel meet up for a chess game with Lucifer - and it's not long before many of the above-mentioned questions are asked. The meeting of the two is forbidden, so it seems through most of the film, and the stakes appear to be high - but after countless lifetimes, a simple game of chess may not be so bad. Perhaps Lucifer's views have changed over time, right? Perhaps, with the state of the world nowadays, maybe Michael's views have changed. "Two Knights" is a great film that, although doesn't attempt to offer remedies for today's world problems, definitely showcases them. Most importantly, however, this short flick offers the chance to contemplate - and it does it so damn well. Almost immediately, I was taken in by the striking visuals of this film. The location, the interior, and everything in between could all be characters in their own right. The camera work, colors, and even the edit itself all lend near perfectly to the story being told. It's an age-old debate, and the surroundings feel just right for such a conversation. The acting is top-notch, and I don't really have anything negative to write about this film. It looks and sounds terrific! Speaking of sounds and scoring, the audio of this short film also feels like a completely unique character. The sound design is splendid.
"Two Knights" is an excellent representation of a debate that has gone on forever, it feels, and not ending any time soon. It's all here, wrapped in a short film under twenty minutes long. "Two Knights" is stylistic, well written, excellently acted, and simply put? Just good stuff all around. I don't hand out four and a half star ratings often but in this case? The stars are earned. Well done - I'm glad I had the chance to see this one. |