directed by:
Usher Morgan written by: Usher Morgan genre: Horror |
What could be scarier than being trapped inside a small bathroom with no food, no clothes, and oh... horrific spirits being the only other inhabitants. Ghosts that you know are there, but only get glimpses of, as they seem to close in on you in an already closed in place. What could be scarier? How about when those glimpses get longer and longer until finally, they're ready to devour you... so to speak. This is how "Trapped Inside" from writer, director Usher Morgan plays out, and let me just put this out there, this is a scary ten minutes.
The premise is simple. A lady puts on a record of some creepy music; then a different woman jolts herself awake in the bathtub; sees things in the mirror; can't get out of the bathroom, and is scared out of her mind by a few supernatural entities. I've left my synopsis as ballpark as possible because I'm trying to keep things spoiler-free, but "Trapped Inside" isn't a film that leaves a lot to the imagination - and the visuals you get to see are excellently scary. I'm in no way writing that Morgan's film lacks depth or atmosphere, I'm only writing that the combination of in-your-face scares and eerie vibes makes this one tense ten minutes. I'd recommend "Trapped Inside" to any lovers of the genre. About those eerie vibes, Morgan's short flick uses color and sound to great effect. Technically speaking, this is a pretty slick production. This film also happens to be the last movie filmed within the Waldorf Astoria before it closed its doors, and that itself warrants some bragging rights. I would love to say that there's a deep story to accompany all the scary visuals and booming audio queues, but that's not really the case. Although there is a twist ending involving a turnaround in the story of sorts, it's nothing terribly unique to anyone who loves horror flicks. The reality is that the actual story doesn't really matter all that much. "Trapped Inside" sets out to scare its viewers and that's exactly what it does. There's no hidden agenda, and only one clear cut reason for existing. To please fans of the horror genre.
When it's all said and done, "Trapped Inside" did for me exactly what I had hoped it would - scared me half to death. Loaded with jump scares, atmosphere, and lots of really creepy ghosts, all I can ask is what's not to like? I did enjoy the way the story turned around at the end, but as someone who has watched a lot of horror movies, it wasn't unexpected. Bottom line? "Trapped Inside" is a great horror film that even boasts some good acting - if that doesn't make you want to watch this film I don't know what else to write. Four out of five stars and to the cast and crew, two thumbs up. |
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